Feb. 26, 2024
Sidney –We are pleased to announce the nomination of Betty Brussel as one of the 3 nominees for the 2023 Master Athlete of the Year award from Sport BC.
What inspires you about this athlete?
At her young age, Betty is an inspiration to us all – we can only hope to stay as active as she is
when we are in our nineties.
She still mounts the blocks and dives in at the start of a race – many swimmers much younger than
Betty refrain from diving off the blocks. In addition to the sprints, she still swims the longer distances,
such as the 800m and 400m, a feat many would not even dream of swimming. She also swims
backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle.
She is super “gung-ho” when she swims, and she loves relays – she is our Zone 4 “resident” anchor
swimmer and it is a real treat to watch her swimming the anchor leg – she always finishes strong!
Betty inspires us with her indomitable athletic spirit, she continues to have goals that she wants to
attain in swimming, doesn’t let anything stand in her way and has a “Go for it” positive attitude that
she can do anything she puts her mind to.
Betty will be 100 in 2024, and she says her goal is to break all the records in the 100 – 104 age
group. A goal that inspires not just her swim mates, but all master athletes.
Click HERE to view the Sport BC media release.
Click HERE to view a recent news story about breaking 3 world swimming records.
Click HERE to view an interview with Betty from 1995.