55+ Try a Sport
Details for the 2025 program to be released later in the year.
Check back soon for events.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport.
Step Up Your Game
Details for the 2025 program to be released later in the year.
The Step up your Game program offers an opportunity for 55+ participants to receive high quality instruction from qualified coaches in a supportive setting.
The objective of this program is to provide an opportunity for participants to improve their skills in their preferred sport being offered in the 55+ BC Games. Zone volunteers coordinate events in their local community and work with local sport organizations to secure qualified coaches.
Check back soon for events.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport.
Past Program
“Give it a Try!”
The “Give it a Try!” program offers and opportunity for members of the community to come together through sport to learn more about the 55+ BC Games as well as the services and programs offered at their local community centre.
The objective of this program is to provide an opportunity for anyone over the age of 55 with an opportunity to try a new sport currently being offered in the 55+ BC Games. BC Seniors Games Society Zone volunteers partner with BC Recreation and Parks Association(BCRPA) members in communities throughout the province to offer a variety of sport clinics at the local community centres.
Check back soon for events.